Saturday, February 23, 2008

Randolph Bourne

I want to review some points about Bourne's "The Handicapped" and follow up on some issues that our class discussion raised. As ever, use the comments section to respond not only to the post but to one another.

1) Are there any more initial comments, evaluations, or responses to bits of the essay that particularly struck you?

2) Lukas raised the issue that there were extremes of positive and negative thought in Bourne's piece; Josh K was struck by the fact that he found the sunny, happy portions easy to dismiss; I suggested that there's a cultural norm at issue there --American men, interested in books, born since 1960, are cynical or mistrustful when faced with the happy, the comedic, the upbeat, the optimistic. Seriousness ends up getting equated with pessimism. Do you think that's true? Are there reasons for it?

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